Sunday, November 30, 2008

The weekend is over now, but last Friday, I got to photograph Malka Dubov, wife of Rabbi Dovid Dubov, of Chabad of Mercer County, observing the Jewish tradition of lighting Shabbat candles in their home. Friends of the family, Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg and his wife, Rivkah Holtzberg, were killed during a terror attack on the Chabad center in Bombay. Others in photo from left are Devorah Leah Dubov, 3, Rabbi Dovid Dubov, Chaya Malka Dubov, 20 and Rivka Dubov, 5. The portrait in background is of Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, who was the inspiration for Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg and his wife, Rivkah Holtzberg to go to Bombay, according to Rabbi Dubov. I've photographed Rabbi Dubov throughout the years on various assignments, but never before in his home and this day when he asked me if I were Jewish, I confessed "Only by association".