Wednesday, August 29, 2007

OK. You be the editor. Here are two different pictures from an assignment, the unveiling of a new logo on the ice at Sovereign Bank Arena. The Trenton minor league hockey team is now affiliated with the New Jersey Devils club. Do you have a preference?
This one:

Or this one:

Or how about turning it on its side?

OK, now you have to defend your decision. Wait a minute. I forgot. You're the editor. What you say, goes. No explanation necessary ;)

Monday, August 27, 2007

Last Sunday, I was assigned nothing but one baseball game, The Trenton Thunder, so I gave myself an assignment. The Red Cross was having a blood drive at St. Mary's Cathedral in Trenton. I thought that was an unusual place for a blood drive. Unfortunately, it wasn't in the church. but downstairs in the cafeteria. Oh well, looking for something interesting, I found a young mother with her child to focus on. As I was imagining what nice pictures would come of the little girl with her mother donating blood, the kid's grandmother took her away! Boo. Anyway, when the donating was done. I scurried for position while the donor's mother and daughter spontaneously showed their approval for what the woman had done. The next day I noticed a story on the wire saying that blood banks are seeking out donations from people of Latino heritage because it turns out that Latinos are more likely than the average American to have Type O blood, the type blood banks value most because it can be used by so many patients.