Thursday, July 26, 2007

Baseball can be a vexing sport to shoot. There can be lots of runs scored, but no actual "plays" happening. Even if there are plays, you have to have the right lens and the right angle to get a good 1/2000 sec image out of it. At yesterday's Trenton Thunder game, I had the luxury of being able to spend an hour and a half before my next assignment, so I had high hopes for something good happening. It didn't, so I thought I better go with the old stand-by pitcher picture. I crouched between rows to at least get an angle where the pitcher's release lined up with an interesting element on the wall behind him. I remember reading a quote from Sports Illustrated photographer Walter Iooss. "Watch your backgrounds." I thought that was a strange thing to say, since sports photography is so subject-oriented, but the advice comes in handy in a case like this.

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